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Service to our customers is our top priority. Our unique relationship with you is why we exist. We will do our very best to provide the highest quality products and customer service.

We appreciate your business and we encourage you to let us know how we can better serve you. Please fill in the complaints form below and fax to 1800 814 158. You will be telephoned by a complaints officer at the earliest mutually convenient time.

- Complaints Form -

Level 40, 140 William Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
G.P.O. Box 5345BB, Melbourne VIC 3001
Freecall: 1800 655 075 Freefax: 1800 814 158
Email: contact@cti.net.au
ABN: 86 233 775 968

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Choosing the Right Time for Childcare


Choosing the Right Time for Childcare Many factors will be played out in choosing when to start your child in childcare. There is no perfect or most appropriate age. Financial and family obligations will of course be of prime importa... [READ MORE]

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Babies and Sleep


Babies and Sleep By three months your baby will tend to sleep more at night and stay awake longer during the day. But every baby will be different and some sleep for long periods and some in shorter naps. .Here ... [READ MORE]

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Choosing Child Care for Preschoolers - 3 to 5 years


Choosing Child Care for Preschoolers - 3 to 5 years While one-on-one child care is always beneficial, for the child in the 3 to 5 year bracket a centre with other children of the same age has many benefits. Being in the company of others of the... [READ MORE]